
¿Cuántas enfermeras por neonato en CPAP?

En esta carta nos refieren que tienen 1 enfermera por neonato en CPAP y si están estables al fin de la primera semana puede ser 1 enfermera para 3 pacientes.

[NICU-NET] Re: Nurse patient ratio for infants on CPAP Friday, November 20, 2009 7:45 PMFrom: "dienro7 Deveau/Fletcher" dienro7@hotmail.com

On day one, we would likely have a 1:2 ratio, with the second baby also moderately sick. By the end of the first week, this baby could easily be a 1:3 if the others in the group were also fairly stable. 1:1 in our unit is rare for all but the most critically ill babies. However, let me add that this is a Regional Perinatal Center with all staff well versed in nasal prong CPAP, and accustomed to the sickest neonates. In the local suburban hospitals, a new 27 weeker would very likely have a 1:1, then move to a 1:2 by the end of the week. I also think that if intubation of premature infants in customary in your unit, changing to CPAP does not reduce your staffing needs as labile babies on CPAP require at least as much care, often more.

Diane Deveau, MS, RNC
Staff Nurse & Adjunct Clinical Instructor
New York-Presbyterian Morgan Stanley Children's Hospital(AKA "Columbia")